Asset Management

Asset Management

Product Types

Each product purchased by a firm can be categorized into a specific product type. This is the high-level categorization for the assets that are bought. For example, Adobe Photoshop or Macromedia Flash can be categorized under Software, while HP Inkjet Printer can be categorized under Printer. In general, product type is a parent category under which you can group assets owned by your firm. Categorization helps in estimating the budget and tracking the assets in each of the product types.

Product Type: Product Type is the high-level categorization in grouping products.
Type: Type is a subdivision of product types that are classified into Asset, Components, and Consumable.
Category: Category is a common attribute of Product Types and Types. They are classified into IT and Non-IT.

The HP Inkjet Printer and its related items can be categorized as,
Product Type
HP Inkjet Printer
Ink cartridge clamps
Printer Cartrige Clamps
Inkjet Cartridge
Printer Cartridges
A4 Papers
To manage the product types in your organization, go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Product Types.

Add Product Types  

  1. Click New Product Type.
  2. Provide a name for the product type.
  3. Select the Type from the drop-down. You can select the type as Asset, Component, or Consumable.
  4. Select the Category of the product as IT or Non-IT from the drop-down.
  5. Provide a brief description of the product type.
  6. Select an icon as the representative image of the product. You can also import images below 2 MB.
  7. Click Save.


Edit/Delete Product Type

On the product type list view, click and select the required option.


Products refer to the hardware or software items purchased and added to the organization inventory. You can also configure depreciation for certain products.

Add New Products

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Product.
  2. Click New Product.
  3. Fill out the following details:
    1. Product Type: Select the product type to classify the product.
    2. Product Name: Provide a name for the product.
    3. Manufacturer: Provide the name of the product manufacturer.
    4. Part No.: Provide the part number of the product.
    5. GL Code: Select the GL code.
    6. Description: Describe the product usage and functionality.
  4. Click Save.


Configure Depreciation

You can configure depreciation details for assets and components.
  1. Click beside a product and select Configure Depreciation. To bulk depreciate, select multiple products and click Configure Depreciation on the toolbar.
  2. Select a required method.
    1. For Declining Balance and Straight Line: You can calculate depreciation based on the useful life of the asset or the decline percent per year.
    2. For Double Declining Balance and Sum of the Years Digit: You can only calculate depreciation based on the useful life of the asset.
  3. Useful Life: Enter the life span of the asset.
  4. Salvage Value ($): Enter the total net worth of the asset after it has exhausted its useful life span.


Associate Vendor

  1. Click beside the product.
  2. On the expanded view, click Associate.
  3. Fill out the following details.
    1. Vendor: Select a vendor to associate with the product.
    2. Price: Enter the cost of the product.
    3. Tax Rate: Provide the applicable tax rate in percentage.
    4. Warranty Period: Configure the warranty period in years and months.
    5. Maintenance Vendor: Select a maintenance vendor for the product.
    6. Comments: Add additional information, if any.
  4. Click Save.

To edit or delete vendor association, click beside the vendor and select the required option.


Edit/Delete Product

  1. Click beside the product and select Edit or Delete.
  2. To bulk delete, select the required products and click Delete on the toolbar.

Service Types 

Allows you to categorize and track services offered or availed by the organization based on their functionalities and purposes.


Create New Services Types

  • Go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Service Type.

  • Click Add Service Type.

  • Provide a name and short description for the service type.

  • Use the check box to disable the service type.

  • Click Save.



On the service type list view, click the beside the service type to edit or delete it.


Add services provided or availed by the organization. You can categorize services having similar functionalities or purposes under the service type. After creating a service, you can associate vendors who provide or avail the service.

Add Services

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Service.
  2. Click Add Service.
  3. Provide the following information:
    1. Name: Provide a name for the service.
    2. Service Type: Select the relevant service type.
    3. Part No: Provide the part number for the service.
    4. GL Code: Select the relevant GL code.
    5. Description: Add additional information, if any.
    6. Disable: Enable the check box to prevent the service from usage.
  4. Click Save.


Associate Vendors

  1. On the services list view, click the service.
  2. Click Associate on the expanded view.
  3. Fill out the required details.
  4. Click Save.

Edit/Delete Services

On the service list view, click beside the service and select the required option.


Vendors are suppliers who sell products or services to an organization. AssetExplorer Cloud enables efficient tracking of products/services provided by each vendor.
You can add vendors manually or import them via CSV files. After adding vendors, you can associate products or services provided by them.

Add Vendors

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management.
  2. Click New Vendor.
  3. Fill out the following details:
Fields and Description
Vendor Details
Vendor Name*: Enter the vendor's name.
Currency*: Select the currency used to perform transactions with the vendor. You can add currencies using the % icon beside the drop-down.
Description: Briefly describe the products and services provided by the vendor.
Contact Person: Enter the point of contact with the vendor team.
Provide the vendor's address by specifying the Door Number, Street, Landmark, City, Postal Code, State, and Country.
Contact Info
Provide the vendor's contact details such as E-mail, Phone, Fax, and Web URL
  1. Click Save.

Import Vendors

Click Import from CSV to import vendors in bulk. You can also import vendors from CSV, XLS, or XLSX files under Setup > Data Administration > Import Data. Click here to learn more.

Associate Products or Services

  1. On the vendors list view, click the vendor.
  2. Go to the Associated Products or Associated Services tab and click Associate.
  3. Fill out the required details and click Save.

Edit/Delete Vendors

On the vendors list view, click beside the vendor and select the required option.

Software Type

Classify software based on functionalities and usage. By default, AssetExplorer Cloud provides six software types.

  1. Excluded: Software that is omitted from use.  
  2. Freeware: Software that is provided without charge.
  3. Managed: All licensed software comes under this type.
  4. Prohibited: Software that is prevented from use.
  5. Shareware: Free software, may be distributed for evaluation with a fee requested for additional features or a manual etc.
  6. Un-Identified: Unknown software can be categorized in this type.
You cannot edit or delete default software types.

Create Software Types

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Software Type.
  2. Click New Software Type.
  3. Provide a name and description for the software type.
  4. Click Save.
Edit/Delete Software Types: On the list view, click or beside the software type to edit or delete it.

Software Category

Group software under a specific category. By default, AssetExplorer Cloud provides nine software categories. Default categories cannot be edited or deleted.

Create Software Categories

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Software Categories.
  2. Click New Software Category.
  3. Provide a name and description for the software category.
  4. Click Save.
Edit/Delete Software Types: on the list view, click or beside the software category to edit or delete it.

Software License Types

Customize license types specific to software based on workstations and users.

Create Software License Types

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Software License Types.
  2. Click New License Type.
  3. Fill out the following details:

License Type
Enter the license type.
Select the manufacturer from the drop-down or click and add a new manufacturer.
Track By
Track the license by workstations or users.
  1. Workstations: The license is allocated to the workstation.
  2. User: The license is allocated to the workstation as well as the user.
Installations Allowed
Select an option from the drop-down.
  1. Single: Only one installation is allowed.
  2. Multiple: Multiple installations are allowed.
  3. Unlimited: Unlimited installations are allowed.
  4. OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers): The software license is attached to the hardware for which the software is installed. The software cannot be transferred to another workstation, and the license expires after the workstation is moved to the disposed state.
Is Node Locked
  1. This option appears only if Workstation is selected in the Track By field.
  2. Enabling this option automatically changes Installations Allowed to Single.
Users Allowed
  1. This option appears if you select Users in the Track By field.
  2. This field allows you to select the number of users who can access the software: Single, Multiple, or Unlimited.
Is Perpetual
Enable this option if the software is one-time installation and does not require a renewal.
Is Free License
Enable this option if the software is freeware with unlimited installations and no expiry date.
License Option
Enter the license option. Use or to add or remove license options.
Click Save.

List View Operations

Edit/Delete - Click or beside the license type to edit or delete it. Default license types cannot be edited or deleted.
Filter - Use the filter drop-down on the top-right of the page to filter the license type based on manufacturer.
Search - Click to perform a search based on the license type name.
Table Settings - Click to customize the list view layout.

Asset State

Indicates the status of assets in the organization. By default, AssetExplorer Cloud provides the following states: Disposed, Expired, In Repair, In Use, and In Store. You can also create new asset states.

Create Asset States

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Asset State.
  2. Click New Asset State.
  3. Provide a name and description for the asset state.
  4. Click Save.

Edit/Delete: click beside the asset state and select the required option.

Asset Acknowledgement

A formal process of recognizing or acknowledging the ownership or possession of an asset. In various contexts, such as business, finance, or legal matters, asset acknowledgment helps establish ownership rights, ensure accountability, and maintain transparency.
You can configure acknowledgements for specific product types and receive user acknowledgements whenever assets are assigned to users. Ensure the corresponding asset notifications are enabled to notify users when acknowledgements are sent.

Configure Asset Acknowledgement

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Asset Acknowledgement.
  2. Check the Enable Asset Acknowledgement check box.

  1. In the Configure Product Type section, select if you want to configure acknowledgements for specific product types or all product types.
  2. If you choose Select Product Types, choose the required product type from the list.
  3. If you choose All Product Types, then all product types will be included in the asset acknowledgement configuration.
  4. You can use Advanced Criteria to make sure the acknowledgement is only configured for intended assets.
For example, you can configure to enable asset acknowledgment only for assets pertaining to certain departments. To do that, in the advanced criteria, you can select <Department> <is> <required departments>. Other criteria available include: Asset Tag, Department, Location, Name, Product, Serial Number, State, User, and Asset Additional Fields.

After selecting the product types and configuring the criteria (optional), you can configure the asset acknowledgement form.

Configure Asset Acknowledgement Form

By default, the asset acknowledgement form has the content as shown in the image below:

You can modify the content by using the editor and inserting the required variables by entering the $ character. Once you have customized the form, you can preview and save it.
Preview of the default asset acknowledgement form:

Sample asset acknowledgement received from user


Notifications for Asset Acknowledgement

Under Notification Rules > Asset, you can configure the following notifications.

Click the edit icon to customize the notification template.

For existing asset assignment user notifications, make sure to add $AcknowledgementLink variable to include acknowledgment form link in notifications.
End Users
End users can acknowledge from the My Assets widget in the self-service portal or through email notifications. The asset is marked with the Acknowledgement Pending status if the end user does not acknowledge after receiving the asset.

Clicking Acknowledgement Pending under My Assets will take the users to the acknowledgement form.

Technicians can acknowledge assets through email notifications or from the assets details page.
Acknowledge from Asset Details Page  
Technicians can take acknowledgement actions from the right pane on the asset details page.


Manage Asset Acknowledgements

SDAdmin and technicians with asset edit access can manage acknowledgements from Assets > Acknowledgements.

Acknowledgments can be filtered based on All Status, Acknowledgement Pending, Assets Received, and Assets not Received. They can also filter acknowledgment based on Product Types and Sites.
  1. Acknowledgement Pending: Acknowledgements that are pending actions from users.
  2. Asset Received: Acknowledgements that are acknowledged as assets received by users.
  3. Assets not Received: Acknowledgements that are acknowledged as assets not received by users.


Send Acknowledgement Reminders and Download Acknowledgements

SDAdmins and technicians with asset edit permission can send reminders to users to take acknowledgement actions as well as download acknowledgments.
To send a reminder or download acknowledgements, select acknowledgements from the list view and click Send Reminder or Download Details.

  1. Acknowledgements can be generated for IT assets, Non-IT assets, and components.
    Acknowledgements will be generated when an asset is assigned to a department associated with a department head. Ensure that the notification rule for asset department assignment is enabled to notify the department head about the acknowledgement.
  2. Acknowledgement will not be generated for assets that have already been assigned to users/departments.
  3. All asset acknowledgement activities are captured under Asset History.
  4. Asset acknowledgements can be downloaded as PDF.
  5. Acknowledgement related fields such (Acknowledgement Comments, Acknowledgement ID, Acknowledgement Mode, Acknowledgement Received On, Acknowledgement Reminded On, Acknowledgement Status, Acknowledgement User Email ID, Acknowledgement User Employee ID and Acknowledgement User) are included under custom reports columns.

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