Asset Components

Asset Components

Add Components

Add Asset Components Manually

  1. Go to Assets.
  2. On the left navigation pane, click Asset Components.
  3. Select IT/Non-IT.
  4. Click on the required component in the cards view.
  5. Alternatively, select the required component type from the navigation pane and click New.
  6. Fill out the required details and click Save.

Import Components

You can import components in bulk via CSV, XLX, or XLS files. On the list view, click Import from CSV. Learn more.

View Component Details

On the component details view, you can perform the following operations.


  1. On the component details view, click Edit at the top of the page and modify the details.
  2. Associate Component with User/Department
  3. Click Assign at the top of the page.
  4. Fill in the required details.
  5. Click Save.


Preview and print the asset details along with contracts, costs, work logs, and history. Click Print on the top of the page. Select the required option and click Save.


Click the Actions menu and select the required option.

View Contracts, Financials, and History

Contracts - View the contract associated with the asset component.
Financials - View costs and depreciation details configured for the component.
History - Records all operations performed on the asset component.

Components List View

You can perform the following operations on the list view:
  1. Add new components
  2. Edit/Delete components - click beside the component and select Edit/Delete. To perform bulk operations, select the required components and click Edit or Delete on the toolbar.
  3. Actions - Allows you to perform various operations easily. Select the required assets, click Actions, and select the required operation from the following:
    1. Add to Group
    2. Configure Depreciation
    3. Assign to Department
    4. Assign to Site
    5. Modify Site
    6. Modify Product
    7. Reconcile - Merge two duplicated resources and delete one of the resources.
    8. Mark as Loanable
    9. Reprint Barcode/QR code
  4. Manage Barcode/QR code
  5. Import components from CSV, XLS, or XLX files
  6. Assign Users to Components
  7. Table Settings - Click  to customize the list view layout.
  8. Column Chooser - Click Column Chooser  to select the fields that you need on display.
  9. Search - Click  to search through all the columns displayed in the list view.

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