Asset Actions

Asset Actions

Perform various actions on assets in bulk from the assets list view.
Role Required: SDAdmin, SDSiteAdmin, Technicians with Add/Edit Assets permissions.

 Add Assets to Group

  1. On the list view, select the required assets.
  2. Click Actions > Add to Group.
  3. Select the required group type and group.
  4. Click Save.


Configure Depreciation

Calculate the decrease in asset value over time. Asset depreciation can be calculated at the product level or asset level.
Depreciation details will be displayed under the Financials tab in the asset details page.

  1. Product Level - Configure product level depreciation from Setup > Customization > Asset Management > Product. The depreciation configuration applies to all assets under the product.
  2. Asset Level - The depreciation configuration applies to individual assets.
Depreciation can be configured only for assets and components.
The depreciation configuration at the asset level will always override the depreciation configuration at the product level.

Methods of Calculating Depreciation

  1. Declining Balance
  2. Double Declining Balance
  3. Straight Line
  4. Sum of the Years Digit
Useful Life: The period during which an asset is expected to be available for use.
Salvage Value: The estimated selling value of any asset after it has reached the end of service life or its value has depreciated substantially. It is the total net worth of an asset after it has exhausted its life span.

Product Level Depreciation Configuration

Configured product level depreciation details from the asset details page.

  1. Go to Assets. Select IT Asset, Non-IT Asset, or Component.
  2. Select a workstation from the List view.
  3. Click Actions > Configure Depreciation.
  4. Specify the Purchase Cost and the Acquisition Date of the asset.
  5. To configure depreciation details at the product level, select the Use data configured for the product radio button.

  1. Choose the Depreciation Method from the drop-down. If the depreciation method is Declining Balance, the Useful Life and Decline Percent radio buttons appear. If the depreciation method is Straight Line, then the Useful Life radio button and Depreciation Percent radio button appear.
  2. If you have selected the Useful Life radio button, specify the Useful Life of the product. Alternatively, if you have selected the Decline Percent or Depreciation Percent radio button, then specify the Decline Percent or Depreciation Percent of the product.
  3. Specify the Salvage Value of the product.
  4. Click Save.

Asset Level Depreciation Configuration

You can configure the depreciation details at the asset level from the asset List view. To configure depreciation for individual assets,
  1. Go to Assets.
  2. Select the asset using the check box.
  3. Click Actions > Configure Depreciation.
  4. Choose the Depreciation Method from the drop-down.
  5. Specify the Salvage Value of the product.
  6. Click Save.
If the depreciation is configured for the selected assets, then a dialog box confirming the change in depreciation configuration appears. Click OK to proceed. The depreciation details are successfully saved.

View Depreciation Details

You can view the depreciation details of an asset from their details page. Go to the Financials tab.

Assign Assets to Site/Department

Track the ownership and physical location of an asset within an organization.
  1. On the assets list view, select Actions > Assign to Site or Assign to Department.
  2. Select the Site or Department.
  3. Click Save.

Modify Asset State

Update the availability or status of assets. Asset state helps asset managers track and manage the life cycle of assets.
  1. On the asset list view, select the required assets.
  2. Click Actions > Modify State.
  3. Select the required state and site.
  4. Add comments, if any.
  5. Click Save.

Modify Product

  1. On the asset list view, select the required assets.
  2. Click Actions > Modify Product.
  3. Select the required product type and product from the drop-down.
  4. Click Save.


Reconcile Assets

Merge duplicated assets. The asset that was created last will be retained.
You can reconcile only two assets at a time.
Use Case
  1. An asset is created manually by a user with a unique name.
  1. An asset is created via purchase order - When an asset item is received via purchase order, the corresponding asset is logged under the Assets module with the PO name.

After the asset is assigned to a user/department and scanned,
  1. The asset will be identified with its machine name.
  2. A duplicate asset with the scanned data will be created in AssetExplorer Cloud.
On reconciling, the vendor details, cost details, and purchase order ID will be updated to the scanned asset details.
  1. On the assets list view, select two assets to reconcile.
  2. Click Actions > Reconcile.
  3. Click Yes.

If both the assets are received via purchase order, they cannot be reconciled.
This operation is not available for asset components.

Mark Assets as Loanable

Mark assets that can be loaned.
  1. On the asset list view, select the required assets.
  2. Click Actions > Mark as Loanable.
  3. Loaned assets can be viewed from Assets > Asset Loan > Loanable Assets.

Reprint Barcode/QR code

  1. You can reprint the barcode or QR code for the asset. Select the asset, and click Actions > Reprint Barcode/QR code.
  2. Select or create the required label property and assign it to the asset.

Scan Assets

Scan assets or workstations to fetch asset data, hardware, and software details. If you have changed the credentials for assets or if you want to specify the login credentials for an asset, select Actions > Change Credentials. Specify the details and click Save and Scan now for scanning assets.
To scan the asset,
  1. On the assets list view, select the required asset.
  2. Click Actions > Scan Now.
  3. Alternatively, you can scan the asset from its details view.

Update Credentials

Update authentication details used for scanning and discovering assets.
  1. On the asset list view, select the required assets.
  2. Click Actions > Update Credentials.
  3. Select the required probe name and credential from the drop-down.
  4. Click Save.

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