Prepare for the Audit
Before starting an audit, the SDAdmin or SDAssetAuditAdmin must first create an audit on the application, assign technicians as auditors, and define the criteria for selecting assets to be audited.
Limitation: Only 50,000 assets can be included in an audit.
Recommendation: Although you can audit up to 50,000 assets in a single audit, create separate audits for different product types, such as Workstation Audit and Smartphone Audit, to easily manage the final audit findings. You can then generate reports by combining multiple audits into a single report.
Step 1: Create a Technician-Conducted Audit
On the pop-up, enter the asset audit name.
Select Technician-Conducted Audit for Audit Type.
Enter a description of the asset audit.
Choose the planned start and end dates of the audit.
Click Save.
An audit will be created.
Configure the criteria of assets to be audited.
On the asset audit list view, click the newly created audit to open the asset audit details page.
In the Audit Details tab, click Add Conditions under Asset Conditions.
Select Product Types: Pick the product types from the combo box for the audit process.
All Product Types: Choose this option to select all product types for the audit.
Additionally, you can also use advanced criteria to set conditions to further filter the assets to be audited.
Enable Use Advanced Criteria.
Choose the column, operator, and value.
Use the
icons to add/remove criteria. Switch between AND/OR conditions for multiple criteria.
Click the
icon and drag the criteria horizontally to add it as a sub-criteria to the preceding one. You can also use this icon to reorder the criteria.
To edit the asset conditions, click
against the section.
After you have configured the asset conditions, select the sites in which the assets must be scoped, and technicians who should audit the assets in each site. Only technicians with the SDAssetAudior role will be listed in the pop-up and can be assigned as auditors.
On the pop-up, select the site from which assets must be scoped for the audit.
Add instructions for technicians who will be auditing the assets.
You can choose to allow any technician in the site to audit or only specific technicians. Select the radio button as preferred.
Up to 10 technicians can be assigned as asset auditors from the Site/Technician Configuration pop-up. Additional technicians can be added from the Site/Technician Configuration list view. However, only a maximum of 50 technicians can be added as auditors for a site.
Site/Technician Configuration List View Actions
Site configuration cannot be deleted after the audit has started (In Progress), but you can add/delete technicians and their instructions.
Step 4: Check Assets In Scope & Start Audit
After setting the asset conditions and site/technician configuration, all assets selected for auditing will be listed under the Assets In Scope tab. You can view details such as asset type, assigned user, asset state, and associated site.
Before starting the audit, you can modify asset conditions or site/technician configurations as needed. You can initiate the audit by clicking Start Audit at the top of the details page.
After the audit begins, asset conditions and site/technician configurations can no longer be modified.
Conduct Audit
When you start an audit, the status of the audit changes to In Progress, which is reflected on the details page. At this stage, auditors verify assets and record their ownership.
The Pending tab will contain all assets to be audited.
Technicians can audit assets using the mobile app.
For technicians to audit assets on the mobile app, the audit must be In Progress.
Access Audit on Mobile App
For SDAssetAuditor, only in-progress audits where they are assigned as an auditor will be displayed. For SDAdmin and SDAssetAuditAdmin, all in-progress audits will be displayed.
Audit Details: View details of the audit, including audit status, creator, last updated time, and planned and actual start and end dates.
Audit Asset via Mobile App
Step 1: Select a Site
Step 2: Choose an Auditing Method:
You can audit in the following ways.
Field | Explanation |
Audit State | Select whether to mark this asset as Audited or Missing. |
Name | These fields will be auto-populated per the asset details and cannot be deleted. |
Product Type |
Product |
State |
User | The user of the asset is auto-populated. You can edit this field if the associated user is different. |
Location | Enter the location of the asset. |
Attachments | Add attachments, if any, to the asset. |
Comments | Add comments, if any, regarding the asset. |
Use the search bar to find an asset by name or asset tag. The search will look for the asset name in the inventory and list matching results.
You can also tap Scan Barcode/QR Code/RFID to search for an asset by using barcode or QR code.
Field | Explanation |
Asset Name | Provide a name for the asset. |
Barcode | Enter the bar code. You can also tap Scan Barcode/QR Code/RFID to scan the bar code. The scanned value will be mapped to the Barcode field by default. You can also map the scanned value to another field under Mapping Field. |
Product Type | Select the asset type. |
Product | Select the product. |
Mapping Field | Select the mapping field to copy the scanned barcode/QR code value to that asset field. The value can be mapped to the asset tag, bar code, or serial number. |
State | Select the asset state depending on it's usage, such as In Use, In Store, or Expired. |
User | Select the user who owns this asset |
Associated To | Select the associated asset. |
Department | Select the associated department of the user. |
Site | Select the asset site. |
Retain Associated Asset/User/Department's Site | If this option is enabled, you can select the site of the asset. If disabled, the user's site is mapped to the asset. |
Attachments | Add attachments, if any, to the asset. |
Comments | Add additional comments, if any, regarding the asset. |
Assets with changes recorded during the audit will be listed under the Identified Differences tab on the audit details page.
The Pending Assets screen also has a search option that allows you to search for assets in the inventory.
If an asset is added as a new asset, it will be moved to the Newly Identified tab in the web application.
If an audited asset is not within the scope (not included in the audit based on asset conditions and advanced criteria), it will be moved to the Out of Scope tab in the web application.
Record Site and Auditor Progress
When the audit is in progress, you can record the auditor's status or progress under the Audit Details tab.
If a technician's status is marked as completed, they will no longer be able to audit assets on the mobile app. However, SDAdmin or SDAssetAuditAdmin can change their status from Completed to In Progress to allow them to resume auditing.
Technicians can also mark their progress as completed from the mobile app.
Go to the respective site in the audit and tap the
This completed status will be updated in the Site/Technician Configuration section.
Audited Assets
During the audit process, assets will be categorized into the following tabs:
Audited/Missing: Assets marked as Audited will move to the Audited tab, while assets marked as Missing will appear in the Missing tab.
Newly Identified: Assets identified during the audit that are not yet added to AssetExplorer Cloud will be listed here.
Out of Scope: Assets that were not included in the audit scope (not included in the audit based on the asset conditions and site configurations set) will appear in this tab.
Identified Differences: Assets with differences, such as a change in the user or location discovered during the audit, will be listed here.
Close Audit & Review Findings
After the technicians complete the auditing process, you can close the audit to review the findings. Click Close Audit at the top of the page. The audit status will change to Under Review.
After an audit moves to the review stage, it cannot be reopened for auditing.
Unaudited assets that were listed in the Pending tab will be moved to the Missing tab.
At this stage, you can take actions on assets categorized in the following tabs:
Tab | Actions |
Audited | Move asset to Pending or Missing tab. |
Missing | Move asset to the Audited tab. Modify the asset's state. |
Newly Identified | Add as a new asset. |
Out of Scope | - |
Identified Differences | Update asset differences. |
against an audited asset to move it to Missing assets. Provide the following information:
Reason: Select the reason the asset is missing with the user.
Comments: Fill out comments regarding the asset, if any.
This information will be displayed for the asset under the respective audit tab.
To mark multiple assets as pending/missing, select them using the check boxes, and click Mark as Missing.
against a missing asset to audit or modify its state. When auditing the asset, fill out the following. This information will be displayed for the asset under the respective audit tab.
Assigned Location: The initially assigned location of the asset will be populated. This field cannot be changed.
Actual Location: Enter the actual location of the asset.
Assigned User: The users associated to the asset will be populated. This field cannot be changed.
Actual User: Enter the user who was initially assigned to the asset.
Comments: Provide additional comments, if any, regarding the asset.
Attachments: Attach files related to the asset, if any.
When modifying an asset's state, fill out the following details in the pop-up:
Select the asset state from the drop-down.
If the asset state is In Use, select the assigned user of the asset and their department.
You can also choose an alternative asset associated to the user to auto-populate the Assigned User and Department fields.
This Site field is pre-populated and cannot be edited if the Retain Associated Asset/User/Department’s Site option is selected. This option maps the asset to the newly assigned user's site. However, disabling this option will make the Site field editable, allowing you to map the asset to any site. Learn more.
Newly Identified
Assets discovered during the audit that are not yet added to AssetExplorer Cloud will appear here.
To add the newly identified assets to the Assets module, select the assets using check boxes and click Add as New Asset, or click
> Add as New Asset against an asset.
To associate asset details with an already existing asset in the application, click
> Map to Existing Asset against the asset. On the pop-up displayed, select the asset you want to map to, and click Map.
If you have wrongly mapped the asset, you can click
> Unmap from Existing Asset against the asset to undo the mapping.
Out of Scope
If an asset that was not included in the audit scope is audited, it will be listed under this tab.
No actions can be taken on the assets in this tab.
Identified Differences
Assets identified with changes during the audit, such as a user or location update, will be recorded in this tab.
End Audit
After all necessary updates have been made, finalize the audit by clicking End Audit on the details page. The audit status will then update to Ended.
After the audit ends, no further modifications can be made on the audit, and the audit findings will be available in a read-only format.