Verify Domains

Verify Domains

Add and verify the validity of all domains associated with your organization. You can add users from verified domains easily. Domain verification is also necessary to confirm your ownership of the domain and customize the domain per your requirements.

Users added from a verified domain will not receive an invitation email. Additionally, the application language for users imported from verified domains will be auto-configured based on the department's site they are assigned to.
Role Required: SDAdmin, Organization Admin
Why should I add and verify my domain?  
  1. Import users from Active Directory to AssetExplorer Cloud directly without sending an invitation if the email addresses contain the verified domain name.
  2. Access AssetExplorer Cloud using a customized domain URL.
  3. Enable SAML authentication.
  4. Verification is necessary to confirm your ownership of the domain.

Verify Domain

  1. Go to ESM Directory > Verified Domains.
  2. Click New Domain.
  3. Add your domain name.
  4. Click Save.

  1. The Verified Domains home page will now list your domain. Select the Click to Verify link in the Status column.
  2. Select the verification method: CNAME or HTML.
Domain Verification using CNAME method
Domain Verification using HTML File method
Log into your domain hosting site and locate the DNS management page.
Open a text editor (wordpad/notepad), copy the verification code displayed into the text editor, and save the file as "zoho-domain-verification.html". Ensure that the file does not contain any HTML tags.
Log into your web server and upload the file "zoho-domain-verification.html" in it.
Add the CNAME and Value displayed in the application to the respective fields in the DNS management page.
Check if the link shown here is accessible through the internet:
After an hour, click Verify. Your domain will be verified.
Click Verify.
CNAME Method:

HTML File Method:

  1. Log on to your domain hosting site and locate the DNS management page. Add the CNAME and Values displayed in the previous step. Follow the screen record below for an illustration:

  1. After your domain is verified, the status will be updated on the Verified Domains page. You can start using the domain to add users.   
CNAME vs HTML File Method - Which domain verification method can I use?
Both the domain verification methods offer no distinct advantage, but rather flexibility to verify your domains depending on what services you have at your disposal.
  1. CNAME is a record type in the DNS Management page. You will need access to the DNS records to verify via the CNAME method. Depending on your Internet Service Provider, domain verification can take longer to be completed.
  2. HTML File method is a simplistic approach where you only need access to host the HTML page containing the verification code to verify the domain in AssetExplorer Cloud promptly.

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